The Schwarzatal is a true Mecca for hikers, with the entire area widely accessible through excellent sign-posted routes. These trails belong, without a doubt, to the most beautiful in Thuringia. 

Cyclists can also enjoy the region’s attractive and diverse landscapes via routes such as the Schwarzatal Cycle Trail, the Monastery Cycle Trail or the Rinnetal Cycle Trail. Accompanied by gorgeous views, the mountain bike track from the Oberweissbach mountain railway leads through forest trails from heights of more than 300m to 25% gradient slopes into the depths of the Schwarzatal.

In the fish-rich waters of the Schwarza and the Rinne, anglers come into their own. Commonly found varieties include brown and rainbow trout, grayling, brook lampreys and scorpion fish. Interesting information about the local flora and fauna, as well as protected areas and species, can be found in the Conservation Information Centre Dr Steuer, in the Nature House in Goldisthal or in the Forest Botanic Gardens in Schwarzburg.

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