As part of an initiative of the TourismusRegion Rennsteig-Schwarzatal, the area's Fröbel institutes have begun work on a new target, to bring the name and achievements of the world-famous educationalist further into the limelight.

In 10 themed-years, the Fröbel Decade (2013-2022) casts a light on Fröbel's life, work and magnetisim from his birth until the present day 

2013 - Opening Year
2014 - Fröbel & Nature
2015 - Fröbel's Kindergarten
2016 - Fröbel, the Pedagogue
2017 - Fröbel, God and the World
2018 - Fröbel and Politics
2019 - Fröbel and Modernity
2020 - Fröbel's Ideas in Germany and the World 
2021 - Women and Men in Educational Careers
2022 - Fröbel Today